100% of profit goes to charity

Stop delaying your launch

Commit to a launch date you'll actually stick to. Set a hard deadline, ship your startup... or pay a price.


How it works

It's super simple - create the accountability you need to launch your startup


Provide your deadline, price & product hunt profile.


Launch on PH by 11:59pm on the day of your deadline.


If there was no launch, you'll pay the price.

Ronald McDonald House Logo

100% of profit goes to Ronald McDonald House - a charity that means a lot to me

Hi, I'm Max 👋 - 2 weeks after my son was born, the worst thing I could possibly imagine happened.

He became unresponsive, his lips were turning blue and we had to rush him to the emergency room where a team of doctors stood around him for over an hour while my wife and I stood in a daydream.

Long story short, after the longest night of our lives, my son was taken by ambulence to an ICU a 40 minute drive from our home.

We were beyond scared, stressed, hopeless. His first night, we had to sleep at home as there was no room for us in his isolation unit. The feeling of being so far away from him was gut-wrenching.

Thanks to Ronald McDonald House, that was the only night we had to be away.

The next day, they had a room available next to the hospital, where they hosted us for 2 weeks free of charge. A comfy spacious room, our own kitchen supplies, a garden - even Netflix to try and provide some level of peace and escapism.

The voulenteers were the kindest, most empathetic people I've ever met - and after our son was able to come home again, I always wanted to find ways to donate.

This site is only a small gesture, but if it helps other indies to ship more while making a contribution to an incredible charity when they miss their launch deadline, it's a nice start.




🚢 Just ship it

Marc Lou

Marc Lou


I made the most money with my smallest idea. Just ship it.

Danny Postma

Danny Postma


Ship it ship it ship it

Tony Dinh

Tony Dinh


Ship early, ship small, ship frequently 🙌